⏰ Habit Tracker's Privacy Policy

Last updated as of September 29th, 2023

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy explains how Applications.By (hereinafter the “Company”, “we” or “us”) collects, stores, uses, transfers and shares information, including personal data, from our users (“you”) in connection with Habit Tracker mobile application (the “App”), and our website applications.by (the “Website”) if applicable.

When you use the App, you are trusting us with intimate personal data and other information.

By providing to us your information, including personal data, through the App, you expressly acknowledge, agree and consent to processing of your personal information as specified in this Privacy Policy. The processing of your information is necessary for providing the services to you and supporting the App.

The purpose of our Privacy Policy is to explain what data we collect, how it is used and shared, and how you can control it.

Your continued use of the App after the effective date of an updated version of the Privacy Policy will indicate your acceptance of the Privacy Policy as modified.

If you do not accept the terms of the Privacy Policy, please do not use the App.

2. What data we collect

See below what information we collect from you automatically.

Information we collect automatically:

Device Information:

Usage information:

This information is not linked with your account and you personally.

3. How we use your information

We will not collect and use your personal data without letting you know. All information is collected according to this Privacy Policy. We will notify you in case we need additional information and – where applicable – ask for your consent.

The main reason we use your information is to deliver and improve our services.

To process your personal data correctly, we rely on one or more of the following legal bases:

Consent. For example, on the settings screen when you give us permission to show push-notifications.

In some cases, you may withdraw your consent by adapting your settings or by deleting your content if possible. In any case, you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the address provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.

To provide our service to you. The reason we process your information is to let you use the App in full.

Legitimate interest. We may process your personal data in relation to our interests in providing the services to you, our commercial interests, including our interest in protecting the security and integrity of the services, and wider societal benefits.

4. Principles of processing

No sale of personal data. We will not sell or rent your personal data. We will not disclose your personal data except as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy.

5. Disclosure of your information

We will not share your personal data with third parties except as specified below.

Our service providers and partners

We may share your personal data (e.g. Device ID) with our service providers who are bound with us by strict contractual obligations solely as described in this Privacy Policy.

Here is the list of our main processors upon which we rely:

1. Firebase. Firebase is a hosting service for databases, content, social authentication, and notifications. Firebase privacy policy – https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy.

We will update this Privacy Policy in case any other personal data processors are engaged in processing of your data in the App.

State bodies

We may disclose your information if reasonably necessary:

(i) to comply with a legal process, such as a court order, subpoena or search warrant, government / law enforcement investigation or other legal requirements;

(ii) to assist in the prevention or detection of crime (subject in each case to applicable law);

(iii) to protect the safety of any person.

(iv) if disclosure would mitigate our liability in an actual or threatened lawsuit;

(v) as necessary to protect our legal rights and legal rights of our members, business partners or other interested parties;

(vi) to enforce our agreements with you;

(vii) to investigate, prevent, or take other action regarding illegal activity, suspected fraud or other wrongdoing.

6. Your privacy rights

We stand by high European and international standards on personal data protection so that we comply with your personal data rights regardless of your location. You have the following rights regarding our processing of your personal data:


You can stop all information collection by the App by uninstalling it using the standard uninstall process for your device.

7. Retention of your information

We do not store any of your data on servers, all information is stored on your device until you delete the application.

8. Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy, you may contact us by Email: support@applications.by.